Administration API - Function Reference

Revision as of 14:33, 6 February 2018 by Ltalaschus (talk | contribs)


Attach existing archive store.


Name Type Description
name string Meaningful name of archive store.
type string (optional)
databaseName string (optional) Name of database on Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
databasePath string (optional) Path to directory in which database folder information and email meta data are stored.
contentPath string (optional) Path to directory in which email headers and contents are stored.
indexPath string (optional) Path to directory in which full text search indexes are stored.
serverName string (optional) Name of Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
userName string (optional) User name for accessing Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
password string (optional) Password for accessing Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
requestedState string (optional) State of archive store after attaching.

Argument Values


Name Description
FileSystemInternal Advanced file system-based archive store.
SQLServer Microsoft SQL Server-based arechive store.
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL server-based archive store.


Name Description
current Same as Normal but new messages will be archived in the archive store that is set to Current.
normal The content of archives store is available to users and can be modified if the user has the appropriate permission.
writeProtected The content of write protected archive stores is available to users, but cannot be modified (e.g. delete or move messages, rename or move folders)
disabled Disabled archive stores are not in use but the instance still knows about their existence. Therefore the content is not available to users.


Cancel a running job asynchronously.


Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the job to be canceled.


Removes all privileges of a user on all archive folders.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.


Compact master database.


Compact archive store.


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of archive store


Create a backup of the entire archive.


Name Type Description
path string Path to directory into which the backup should be written.
excludeSearchIndexes bool (optional) Indicates whether the search index files should be excluded from the backup.


Create a new job to execute Management API commands.


Name Type Description
name string (optional) A meaningful name for the job. Example: Daily Backup.
action string (optional) Management API command to execute.
owner string (optional) Username of the job owner; must be an administrator.
timeZoneId string (optional) The time zone the date should be converted to, e.g. $Local, which represents the time zone of the operating system.
date string (optional) Datetime string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) for running the job once.
interval number (optional) Interval for running job.
time string (optional) Time for running job. Without additional parameter, this means daily execution.
dayOfWeek string (optional) Day of week to run job. Parameter "time" also required.
dayOfMonth string (optional) Day of month to run job. Parameter "time" also required. dayOfWeek can optionally be used to define further.

Argument Values


Name Description
Sunday Sunday
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday


Name Description
1 to 31 Numeric representation of day of month.
Last Last day of month.


Name Description
5 Every 5 minutes.
10 Every 10 minutes.
15 Every 15 minutes.
20 Every 20 minutes.
30 Every 30 minutes.
60 Every hour.
120 Every 2 hours.
180 Every 3 hours.
240 Every 4 hours.
360 Every 6 hours.
720 Every 12 hours.


Create a new archiving or exporting profile.


Name Type Description
properties json Profile properties.
raw bool Currently only 'true' is supported.

Argument Values


To receive available profile properties create a profile of the desired type via MailStore Client and then use the GetProfiles method to receive supported values. The properties id and version must be omitted, the password field must be filled properly.


Create and attach a new archive store.


Name Type Description
name string Meaningful name of archive store.
type string (optional)
databaseName string (optional) Name of database on Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
databasePath string (optional) Path to directory in which database folder information and email meta data are stored.
contentPath string (optional) Path to directory in which email headers and contents are stored.
indexPath string (optional) Path to directory in which full text search indexes are stored.
serverName string (optional) Name of Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
userName string (optional) User name for accessing Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
password string (optional) Password for accessing Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
requestedState string (optional) State of archive store after attaching.

Argument Values


Name Description
FileSystemInternal Standard archive store.
SQLServer Microsoft SQL Server-based arechive store.
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL server-based archive store.


Name Description
current Same as Normal but new messages will be archived in the archive store that is set to Current.
normal The content of archives store is available to users and can be modified if the user has the appropriate permission.
writeProtected The content of write protected archive stores is available to users, but cannot be modified (e.g. delete or move messages, rename or move folders)
disabled Disabled archive stores are not in use but the instance still knows about their existence. Therefore the content is not available to users.


Create new MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of new MailStore user.
privileges string Comma separated list of privileges.
fullName string (optional) Full name of user.
distinguishedName string (optional) LDAP DN string.
authentication string (optional) Authentication setting for user: 'integrated or 'directoryServices'.
password string (optional) Password of new user.

Argument Values


Name Description
none The user is granted no global privileges. If specified, this value has to be the only value in the list.
admin The user is granted administrator privileges. If specified, this value has to be the only value in the list.
login The user can log on to MailStore Server.
changePassword The user can change his own MailStore Server password. This only makes sense if the authentication is set to integrated.
archive The user can run archiving profiles.
modifyArchiveProfiles The user can create, modify and delete archiving profiles.
export The user can run export profiles.
modifyExportProfiles The user can create, modify and delete export profiles.
delete The user can delete messages. Please note that a non-admin user can only delete messages in folders where he has been granted delete access. In addition, compliance settings may be in effect, keeping administrators and users from deleting messages even when they have been granted the privilege to do so.


Remove folders from folder tree that do not contain emails.


Name Type Description
folder string (optional) Entry point in folder tree.


Deletes a job.


Name Type Description
id string (optional) The uniqe identifier of the job to be deleted.


Delete a single message


Name Type Description
id string (optional) Unique ID of message. Format: <store_id>:<message_num>


Delete an archiving or exporting profile.


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of profile.


Delete a MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.


Detach archive store


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of archive store.


Get list of current user sessions.


Get child folders.


Name Type Description
folder string (optional) Parent folder.
maxLevels number (optional) Depth of child folders.


Get current compliance configuration settings.


Get current Directory Services configuration settings.


Get folder statistics.


Retrieves list of finished job executions.


Name Type Description
fromIncluding string Beginning of time range to fetch.
toExcluding string End of time range to fetch.
timeZoneId string Time zone in which timestamp should be returned.
jobId number (optional) The job id for which to retrieve results.

Interactive Management Shell Example: GetJobResults --fromIncluding="2016-12-01T00:00:00" --toExcluding="2016-12-31T23:59:59" --timeZoneId="$Local" --jobId=1


Retrieve list of jobs


Get list of messages from a folder.


Name Type Description
folder string (optional) Folder whose content to list.


Get list of archiving and exporting profiles.


Name Type Description
raw bool Currently only 'true' is supported.


Get MailStore Server version and machine name.


Get MailStore Server service configuration. This includes the path to the Master Database, the location of the audit log, whether the different debug logs are enabled and the endpoint configuration.


Get current SMTP configuration.


Get list of attachment file types to index.


Name Type Description
id number (optional) Unique ID of archive store.


Get list of archive stores.


Get list of available time zones.


Get detailed information about user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user


Get list of users.


Get results of profile executions.


Name Type Description
fromIncluding string Beginning of time range to fetch.
toExcluding string End of time range to fetch.
timeZoneID string Time zone in which timestamp should be returned.
profileID number (optional) Filter results by given profile ID.
userName string (optional) Filter results by given user name.

Interactive Management Shell Example: GetWorkerResults --fromIncluding="2016-01-01T00:00:00" --toExcluding="2016-12-31T23:59:59" --timeZoneID="$Local" --profileID=1 --userName="admin"


Run database maintainance on all datbases of file system based archive stores.


Merge two archive stores.


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of destination archive store.
sourceId number Unique ID of source archive store.


Move folder.


Name Type Description
fromFolder string Old folder name.
toFolder string New folder name.


Rebuild all full-text indexes selected for rebuild.


Rebuild search index for given archive folder.


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of archive store.
folder string Name of folder name.


Refresh statistics of all archive stores.


Rename job.


Name Type Description
id number (optional) The unique identifier of the job to be renamed.
name string (optional) The new job name.


Rename archvive store


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of archive store.
name string New name of archive store.


Rename a MailStore user.


Name Type Description
oldUserName string Old user name.
newUserName string New user name.


Renews the master key which is used to encrypt the encryption keys.


Retry opening stores that failed previously.


Run an existing job.


Name Type Description
id number The identifier of the job to be run.


Run an existing archiving or exporting profile.


Name Type Description
id number Unique profile ID.


Run a temporary/non-existent profile.


Name Type Description
properties json Profile properties.
raw bool Currently only 'true' is supported.

Argument Values


To receive available profile properties create a profile of the desired type via MailStore Client and use the GetProfiles method to receive supported value.


Select all full-text indexes for rebuild.


Set compliance configuration settings.


Name Type Description
config json Compliance configuration.

Argument Values


Use GetComplianceConfiguration to receive supported value.

Example settings object:

  "adminEmailPreviewEnabled": true,
  "globalRetentionTimeYears": null,
  "legalHoldEnabled": false,
  "logSuccessfulUserActivities": [


Set directory services configuration settings.


Name Type Description
config json Directory services configuration.

Argument Values


Use GetDirectoryServicesConfiguration to receive supported value.


Set enabled status of a job.


Name Type Description
id number (optional) The unique identifier of the job to be modified.
enabled bool (optional) Boolean value of enabled attribute.


Modify the schedule of a job.


Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the job to be modified.
timeZoneId string The time zone the date should be converted to, e.g. $Local, which represents the time zone of the operating system.
date string (optional) Datetime string (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) for running the job once.
interval number (optional) Interval for running job.
time string (optional) Time for running job. Without additional parameter, this means daily execution.
dayOfWeek string (optional) Day of week to run job. Parameter "time" also required.
dayOfMonth string (optional) Day of month to run job. Parameter "time" also required. dayOfWeek can optionally be used to define further.

Argument Values


Name Description
Sunday Sunday
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday


Name Description
1 to 31 Numeric represation of day of month.
Last Last day of month.


Name Description
5 Every 5 minutes.
10 Every 10 minutes.
15 Every 15 minutes.
20 Every 20 minutes.
30 Every 30 minutes.
60 Every hour.
120 Every 2 hours.
180 Every 3 hours.
260 Every 4 hours.
360 Every 6 hours.
720 Every 12 hours.


Set SMTP configuration.


Name Type Description
settings json SMTP configuration.

Argument Values


Example settings object:

  "hostname": "",
  "port": 587,
  "protocol": "SMTP-TLS",
  "ignoreSslPolicyErrors": false,
  "authenticationRequired": true,
  "username": "[email protected]",
  "password": "userpassword",
  "fromDisplayName": "Sending User",
  "fromEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
  "recipientEmailAddress": "[email protected]"


Set properties of archive store.


Name Type Description
id number Set properties of archive store.
type string (optional)
databaseName string (optional) Name of database on Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
databasePath string (optional) Path to directory in which database folder information and email meta data are stored.
contentPath string (optional) Path to directory in which email headers and contents are stored.
indexPath string (optional) Path to directory in which full text search indexes are stored.
serverName string (optional) Name of Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
userName string (optional) User name for accessing Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.
password string (optional) Password for accessing Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL server.

Argument Values


Name Description
FileSystemInternal Advanced file system-based archive store.
SQLServer Microsoft SQL Server-based arechive store.
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL server-based archive store.


Set state of archive store.


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of archvie store.
requestedState string (optional) State of archive store after attaching.

Argument Values


Name Description
current Same as Normal but new messages will be archived in the archive store that is set to Current.
normal The content of archives store is available to users and can be modified if the user has the appropriate permission.
writeProtected The content of write protected archive stores is available to users, but cannot be modified (e.g. delete or move messages, rename or move folders)
disabled Disabled archive stores are not in use but the instance still knows about their existence. Therefore the content is not available to users.


Set authentication settings of a MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
authentication string Authentication method. Either 'integrated' or 'directoryServices'.


Set the LDAP distinguished name of a MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
distinguishedName string (optional) LDAP DN string.


Set email addresses of MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
emailAddresses string (optional) List of email addresses.


Set full name of MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
fullName string (optional) Full name of MailStore user.


Set password of MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
password string Password of MailStore user.


Set POP3 user name of MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
pop3UserNames string (optional) Comma seperated list of POP3 user names.


Set privileges of MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
privileges string Comma separated list of privileges.

Argument Values


Name Description
none The user is granted no global privileges. If specified, this value has to be the only value in the list.
admin The user is granted administrator privileges. If specified, this value has to be the only value in the list.
login The user can log on to MailStore Server.
changePassword The user can change his own MailStore Server password. This only makes sense if the authentication is set to integrated.
archive The user can run archiving profiles.
modifyArchiveProfiles The user can create, modify and delete archiving profiles.
export The user can run export profiles.
modifyExportProfiles The user can create, modify and delete export profiles.
delete The user can delete messages. Please note that a non-admin user can only delete messages in folders where he has been granted delete access. In addition, compliance settings may be in effect, keeping administrators and users from deleting messages even when they have been granted the privilege to do so.


Set privileges on folder for MailStore user.


Name Type Description
userName string User name of MailStore user.
folder string Folder name.
privileges string Comma separated list of folder privileges.

Argument Values


Name Description
none The user is denied access to the specified folder. If specified, this value has to be the only value in the list. This effectively removes all privileges on the specified folder.
read The user is granted read access to the specified folder.
write The user is granted write access to the specified folder. Messages can be moved within an archive.
delete The user is granted delete access to the specified folder.


Sync users of MailStore instance with directory services.


Name Type Description
dryRun bool (optional) Simulate sync only.


Test current SMTP configuration.


Upgrade archive store from MailStore Server 5 or older to current format.


Name Type Description
id number Unique ID of archive store.


Verify archive stores consistency.


Name Type Description
id number The uniqe identifier of the archive store to be verified.


Verify consistency of all archive stores.