Generic LDAP Integration

Enable generische LDAP Server authentication

To activate the generic LDAP Server authentication open the MailStore Management Shell and execute the following command:

 store-setprop --name="public.ldap.type" --value="LdapGeneric"

Now you are able configure your LDAP server settings at Management | LDAP Integration.

Synchronizing LDAP users

Since MailStore Server 4.5 it is possible to automatically sync user account from a generic LDAP server (e.g. OpenLDAP). For that purpose the MailStore Management command ldap-sync is available.

 ldap-sync --parameter1="value" --parameter2="value"

The attr-* values depend on the chosen attribute names of you LDAP server.

 Parameter        Meaning
 server           IP address or hostname of your LDAP server
 auth-type        optional: Authentification method (None or SecureSocketsLayer)
 user             LDAP DN for username used for synchronization
 pass             password used for synchronization
 base-dn          LDAP Base-DN, e.g. dc=mycompany,dc=local
 filter           optional: LDAP filter string, e.g. (objectclass=posixAccount)
 allow-create     no value. If given, new users will be created in MailStore
 dry-run          no value. If given, simulate execution. 
                          Only valid in conjunction with allow-create
 attr-user        LDAP attribute for usernames, e.g. cn or uid 
 attr-disp        optional: LDAP attribute for displayed name, e.g. displayName
 attr-mail        optional: LDAP attribute for SMTP mail address, e.g. mail

Example 1: Testing the creation of new users ldap-sync --server="ldapserver.mycompany.local" \

 --user="uid=mailstore,dc=mycompany,dc=local" --pass="secret123" \
 --base-dn="ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=local" --allow-create --dry-run

Example 2: Create new users in MailStore ldap-sync --server="ldapserver.mycompany.local" \

 --user="uid=mailstore,dc=mycompany,dc=local" --pass="secret123" \
 --base-dn="ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=local" --allow-create

Example 3: Sync existing users with MailStore ldap-sync --server="ldapserver.mycompany.local" \

 --user="uid=mailstore,dc=mycompany,dc=local" --pass="secret123" \
 --base-dn="ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=local" \
 --attr-user="cn" --attr-disp="displayName" -attr-mail="mail"

Enable ActiveDirectory authentication

To activate the ActiveDirectory authentication open the MailStore Management Shell and execute the following command:

 store-setprop --name="public.ldap.type" --value="ActiveDirectory"

Now you are able to configure your ActiveDirectory settings at Management | ActiveDirectory Integration.

Synchronizing ActiveDirectory users

Synchronization settings for ActiveDirectory users can be configured at Management | ActiveDirectory Integration.