Python API Wrapper Tutorial

Revision as of 17:24, 6 February 2014 by Ltalaschus (talk | contribs)

This document introduces the Python API library which allows you to administer your MailStore Service Provider Edition via Python.


The API library is tested against Python 3.2 to Python 3.4. It is compatible with the 32bit and the 64bit versions of Python.

You can get your Python binary from the Python download page or you can install it using the package manager of you distribution.

Additionally you need the MailStore API library which has to be installed in your Python's site-packages directory. The location of the site-packages directory can be found with the following command

python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"

Getting Started

Log in

The library can be imported with

import mailstore

You are able to instantiate the class directly

speClient = mailstore.spe.Client(username="admin", password="admin", host="", port=8470)

or by using the with statement (context manager)

with mailstore.spe.Client(password="S3cR3t!", host="") as speClient:

Default values can be omitted.

The available log in arguments and default values are

username = "admin"
password = "admin"
host = ""
port = 8470
autoHandleToken = True
waitTime = 2000
logLevel = 2
fileLogLevel = 0

When autoHandleToken is enabled, you do not have to care about long running processes, you just have to wait for the result. When this value is set to False, then the status token is returned and you have to handle the token manually. More about this later.

The waitTime value specifies the value that is passed to the get-status call. When you call a long running method like VerifyStore(), this is the maximum amount of milliseconds you have to wait for a status update.

logLevel and fileLogLevel have to be in the range 0 to 4. The loglevels are defined as following

0 : "NONE"
1 : "ERROR"
3 : "INFO" 
4 : "DEBUG"

Log entries will be printed to stdout. The logfile will be created in the user's %temp% directory and starts with the prefix MailStorePyLib.

Log out

When you prefer the first log in method, you have to log out afterwards manually. When using the context manager method, the log out is done automatically when exiting the with block.


Simple calls

Simple calls will return immediately


{'antiXsrfToken': 'dUubPmGWEANyDxGbBvejCu6qSRUlkQYSiunQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': None, 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': None, 'token': None, 'result': {'userName': 'admin', 'copyright': 'Copyright (c) 2005-2013 MailStore Software GmbH', 'systemProperties': {'totalPhysicalMemory': 2146947072, 'processors': ['Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz'], 'operatingSystem': 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard'}, 'serverName': 'win2012spe', 'version': '', 'licenseeName': 'MailStore Software GmbH', 'licenseeID': 1}, 'statusVersion': 2, 'statusCode': 'succeeded'}

When the statusCode is succeeded the information is stored in the result field. When the process has ended with another status, like failed or cancelled the diagnosis information is stored in the error field.

When there are no HTTP errors, the returned value is always a python dictionary.


{'userName': 'admin', 'distinguishedName': None, 'privileges': ['admin'], 'pop3UserNames': [], 'authentication': 'integrated', 'fullName': 'admin', 'emailAddresses': []}

Simple Examples

To get all user's detailed information you could

with mailstore.spe.Client("gerald", "s3cR3T1!", "speserver"):
    instance = "test01"
    for user in speClient.GetUsers(instance)["result"]:
        print(speClient.GetUserInfo(instance, user["userName"])["result"])

Long Running Calls

Long running calls like VerifyStore do not return the result immediately, but a status token instead. Set autoHandleToken to False to get the token.

with mailstore.spe.Client(autoHandleToken=False) as client:
    instID = "test01"
    storeID = 1
    print(client.VerifyStore(instID, storeID))

{'antiXsrfToken': '6h8HV67XSak+jpQ/e6X1ehLOrt9cPUGicfHQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': None, 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': None, 'token': 'sa6431dcd1b3e48c4719cfe8a75612b88a', 'result': None, 'statusVersion': 0, 'statusCode': 'running'}

One could pass the token to the HandleToken() method, then the behaviour is exactly the same, as when you would have set autoHandleToken=True.

with mailstore.spe.Client(autoHandleToken=False) as client:
    token = client.VerifyStore(instID, storeID)

{'antiXsrfToken': 'KIMJdCpjcuD8O5+xPislG8OysJ0fPgXQcvHQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': 'Verifying file group #38...\r\nCreating a list of messages to be verified...\r\n389 messages are about to be verified.\r\nVerifying...\r\n  100 messages verified...\r\n  200 messages verified...\r\n  300 messages verified...\r\n  389 messages verified...\r\nFinished. No errors have been found.\r\n', 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': 100, 'token': 'sa8e56590b28b3c57f076168d5913840df', 'result': None, 'statusVersion': 147, 'statusCode': 'succeeded'}

Alternatively one could pass the token to the HandleTokenIter() method, then every status update is yielded.

with mailstore.spe.Client(autoHandleToken=False) as client:
    for status in client.HandleTokenIter(client.VerifyStore(instID, storeID)):

{'antiXsrfToken': 'DEF2dWnoNl7hkgsHqApPZmpsUqEgpih6c/HQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': 'Verifying file group #38...\r\nCreating a list of messages to be verified...\r\n389 messages are about to be verified.\r\nVerifying...\r\n', 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': 0, 'token': 'safd22a51408925dd787ef43a5adc3772c', 'result': None, 'statusVersion': 5, 'statusCode': 'running'}

{'antiXsrfToken': 'a3NMb7VdnLaTOOnfyJnZWEutbmlzPXd6c/HQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': None, 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': 1, 'token': None, 'result': None, 'statusVersion': 6, 'statusCode': 'running'}
{'antiXsrfToken': 'mi8qpqTdw6hoH+/+o6h65Rx0jiuPR4p6c/HQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': '  100 messages verified...\r\n', 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': 1, 'token': None, 'result': None, 'statusVersion': 7, 'statusCode': 'running'}


Cancelling long running calls

If you want to cancel a long running call, you have to pass the token of that call to the CancelAsync() method

import mailstore
import time

with mailstore.spe.Client(autoHandleToken=False) as client:
    token = client.VerifyStore(instID, storeID)

{'antiXsrfToken': 'DUs5EO8ZZ9A8S6lUB/uYwIsAFwTufVpCd/HQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': None, 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': None, 'token': None, 'result': None, 'statusVersion': None, 'statusCode': None}
{'antiXsrfToken': 'fYO6hoP7eKr1X1SDj++6hhwI9pTwD45Dd/HQCGFkbWlu', 'logOutput': 'Verifying file group #38...\r\nCreating a list of messages to be verified...\r\n3893 messages are about to be verified.\r\nVerifying...\r\n  100 messages verified...\r\n  200 messages verified...\r\n  300 messages verified...\r\n', 'statusText': None, 'error': None, 'percentProgress': 7, 'token': None, 'result': None, 'statusVersion': 17, 'statusCode': 'cancelled'}

Pretty Printing the output

There is a helper function that formats the returned values in more readable manner.


antiXsrfToken tfrgvinkGOkjWgSCSV72UZY/1qkfwEGIdfHQCGFkbWlu
logOutput None
statusText None
error None
percentProgress None
token None
result userName admin
distinguishedName None
privileges admin
pop3UserNames authentication integrated
fullName admin
emailAddresses statusVersion 2
statusCode succeeded