Template:Archive Mailbox Folder Structure
Folder structure in the archive
Archiving profiles for archive mailboxes store emails in the same folder structure in the MailStore archive that also use archiving profiles for normal mailboxes. If archiving profiles now exist for normal mailboxes and archive mailboxes, both sources are merged in the MailStore archive and no duplicates are created.
Emails are moved
From the normal mailbox to the archive mailbox
If emails in the source are moved from the normal mailbox to the archive mailbox and the folder name does not change, and the archive mailbox is then archived, the emails remain in the MailStore archive in the same place.
However, if the emails in the archive mailbox are stored in a different folder, MailStore moves the emails in the MailStore archive to this folder.
From the archive mailbox to the normal mailbox
If emails in the source are moved from the archive mailbox to the normal mailbox and the folder name does not change, and the normal mailbox is then archived, the emails remain in the MailStore archive in the same place.
However, if the emails in the normal mailbox are stored in a different folder, MailStore moves the emails in the MailStore archive to this folder.
Emails are copied to the archive mailbox
If emails in the source are copied from the normal mailbox to the archive mailbox and the folder name does not change, and the archive mailbox is then archived, the emails remain in the MailStore archive in the same place.
If copies of an email are in the regular mailbox and the archive mailbox, and the containing folders are the same, and there are archiving profiles for both mailboxes, a single copy of the email can be found in that folder in the archive.
However, if the emails in the archive mailbox are copied to another folder, MailStore moves the emails in the MailStore archive to this folder.
If copies of an email are in the normal mailbox and the archive mailbox and the folders containing them are different and there are archiving profiles for both mailboxes, a single copy of the email can be found in the folder in the MailStore archive in which the last run archiving profiles found the email in the source.